Saturday, August 15, 2009

LA Nightlife + LA to Vegas Driving Montage + Our New Mustang Convertible

So we are 60 miles out of Vegas, with Jeff taking the final miles of our journey after I drove the first couple hundred. We left at 7:15am, and we hope to be on the strip by 11:30.

To recap last night, which was not a particularly camera-friendly itinerary, we started off by going to a trendy little spot called Palihouse in West Hollywood, at which one of Dustin's friends from the William Morris Agency, Lea, was having a going-away party on the roof. It was a very serene rooftop, with great views of the Hollywood Hills, and a solid happy hour special. 

(The Hollywood Hills at night.)

(The host of the party, Lea, her boyfriend, Miles, and the rest of the crew.)

After a 20 minute cameo on the Palihouse roof, we had to head to dinner to make our 8:30pm reservation at a Mexican place called The Spanish Kitchen (counterintuitive, I know), where we became a 15 person group of margarita-drinking, ceviche-eating happy campers. We experienced the classic problem that many large restaurant-going groups face: The table was L-shaped, and I, in an effort to meet people, sat at the hinge with my buddy Scott Hattis and his girlfriend Anna. Let's just say that I got to know them very well, but couldn't even tell you the names of the people who were sitting at the ends of the table.

(One part of the L)

(The other part of the L)

(The Hinge! Credit where credit is due to Scott for the best post of the trip so far...)

Oh by the way, the food was terrible. Didn't even bother to take a picture. If you're in LA, skip it.

Post Spanish Kitchen, we headed back to Palihouse where we hung out in the trendier downstairs area. I didn't love it, as I consider myself to be a "pubs, not clubs" guy, despite the fact that I apparently fit in just fine wardrobe-wise, as I had borrowed a shirt from Sam that I considered to be "Soooo LA"

Our final stop of the night was called The Dark Room (unrelated to the identically-named NYC spot on the Lower East Side), which was LA's best effort to create a relaxed bar-like atmosphere. I had discovered over the previous two days that a $5 cocktail is a steal here, so I took advantage, but, bearing in mind my 300 mile journey that awaited me no more than 6 hours alter, I cut myself off pretty early, went home with the guys, and said goodbye to LA.

Here are some pictures from the drive to Vegas, where it got a bit hot:

(Downtown LA.)

(Arriving at the Vegas Strip.)

(Yes, that is a three digit outdoor temperature reading, starting with 1 and ending with 3)

Oh by the way, when we got to Vegas, we brought our Mazda to Hertz because we realized it had an expired safety inspection certificate, so they switched our car to...A FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE. 

(I am now a serious fan of Hertz.)

So I'll be driving across the South in a Mustang. Suffice it to say that I am pleased.

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