Wow. Had an amazing dinner at a place in Chinatown. Actually, amazing was an understatement. We went to an incredibly authentic place, at which we were definitely the only ones who couldn't read the Chinese version of the menu. The restaurant was called...well, you figure it out:
(If you can pronounce this, please let me know.)
We were 8 guys (and 1 girl, Greg's lovely girlfriend Ilana). Here we are (between two photos):
(The first wave of eaters.)
(The late arrivals.)
The food was served family style, and arrived in waves. I don't really have a picture of Phase 1 (Soup), but I did get pictures of:
(Phase 2 - Some Entrees Arrive)
(Phase 3 - The rest of the entrees arrive and we are forced to start stacking plates of seafood on top of bowls of soup and dishes of lo mein)
(Phase 4 - Everything magically disappears.)
When we got to the restaurant, the place was completely full. By the time we left, we were the only people there. And it's not like we arrived that late, as we had an 8:15pm reservation. Here are some arrival and departure videos. Be sure to check out the crowd (or lack thereof) in the background:
Then we went to a couple of bars, playing a quick game of pool with Mitch against a couple of guys who were apparently pros:
(I wish I could tell you we were solids.)
Tomorrow, we are driving Aaron to work at the Googleplex in Mountainview, California. Then we are going to ride bikes around the Google campus, check out Stanford and the rest of Palo Alto. After that, we'll be off to San Jose to have a home-cooked Haitian meal with my buddy Alexandra Malebranche and her boyfriend Chris Mizell. It should be quite a feast...I'll keep you posted (that's a pun). On a completely unrelated note, I should probably surround myself with people who love blog puns.
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