Friday, August 14, 2009

Baby Blues BBQ + The 3rd Stop

Man oh man am I full of hickory-smoked meats. A bunch of us went to eat some LA barbeque at Baby Blues, and I am just too stuffed to write too much about it, aside from captions.

(They had Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA on the menu, but they had run out by the time I ordered it, so I had to settle with Dave's Pale Ale, which was actually quite tasty.)

(Our waitress Maggie, pictured here with the friendly owner of the establishment.)

(My massive meal - Memphis Ribs, Pulled Pork, Beef Brisket, Sauteed Okra, Collard Greens and Cornbread - along with a sign for "Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum", the lowest-effort Captain Morgan knockoff I've ever seen.)

(A fine establishment.)

(Dustin and Emily flash a couple of smiles.)

(Sam and Dustin, our Los Angeles hosts.)

(The whole crew, stuffed.)

(A great sign at the front door.)

After the restaurant, we went to a bar near Dustin and Sam's places, called The 3rd Stop. I drove over in a car with Dustin and his girlfriend Emily, who were blasting "Knock You Down" and rocking out in the front seat. I captured the spectacle on video.

(About 5 seconds into this video, Emily gets REALLY into this song)

Upon arrival at the bar, we hung out, drank a couple of beers, ate a delicious Nutella "pizza", and then headed home.

(The 3rd Stop's beer list, which was not only well-organized, but also well put together. Very few beers were wastes of space on that menu. Most importantly, unlike Baby Blues, The 3rd Stop's available beers included...)

(BEAR REPUBLIC RACER 5 IPA! I've previously had this beer at my favorite bar George Keeley's, and I absolutely loved it. It's clear how much I enjoyed it based on how much was left in the glass by the time our bartender actually brought over the taphead.)

Tomorrow we're headed to the Getty Museum and then heading to Dustin's parents' place in Malibu. I am also being told that I am in for quite a Friday night. Let's hope it's not all talk.

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